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Casey, my husband, has been trying to buy me a “real” camera for YEARS, since the day we met actually. But, like many, we were poor college kids, then poor newlyweds, then homeowners… You get it. Eventually we decided that it’s never practical to drop thousands of dollars on something thats unnecessary. So like responsible adults, we just did it. No better time than the present, right?

God has been revealing to me his heart for me, for all of us. That he gave us passions and desires, that we would pursue them to live in the fullness of who he created us to be. & that my friends is NECESSARY. God is creative, and he created us in his image to be creative beings.

At this same time, a dear friend that I admire challenged me to write. Just write. A “passion pad” I think he called it. Then begin to piece together my journaling with what I see through my lens. So here I am with a “real” camera pursuing what makes my heart alive.

“& while the paths and outcomes of creative living will vary wildly from person to person, I can guarantee you this: A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life. Living in this manner- continually and stubbornly bringing forth the jewels that are hidden within you- is a fine art, in & of itself. Because creative living is where Big Magic will always abide.”

– Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

January 9, 2016

“Big Magic”