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It’s national infertility awareness week and I debated saying anything at all because, well, I’m no expert.
But, I did have an epiphany (intuitive grasp of reality) recently. As women, there are many ways to be fertile. “Fertile: bearing, creating, or capable of producing; abundantly.” In our feminine energy, we can create anything we want. Abundantly! We can create a safe space, a community, a love, an energy, a service, a work of art, a home, an idea, a product, a movement. I could go on and on, but the point is we are all fertile and can mother in countless ways!
This makes me so proud and excited to be a woman.
I also know Casey and I are an unbreakable team and we choose to call this part of our life good. If we add to our family one day, it might look like adoption or treatment, and we’ll call that good too. Because that is the very thing, we get to choose! Everything is neutral. Nothing is bad, nothing is good, until we decide it is. So why not choose happiness in the present moment?
In this present moment we are focusing on the gifts of health, self love, creativity, fun, joy, compassion, stillness, nature, travel, each other, and our baby business.
For all of you mommas in the thick of fertility treatment or adoption, my heart goes out to you. Yes, we’re all allowed to have our days… but my hope for you is that you choose to call it good, even on the worst of days. I feel truly grateful to be let in to your process and see the beauty that pours out. Your vulnerability, courage, and strength has given me so much hope!
Let’s continue to refuse to be the victim of our own lives and call it good, embrace our innate fertility, be the light, let each other in, and walk each other home.

April 28, 2018
