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Why share my imperfect self?
Because “a real sign of progress is when we stop punishing ourselves for our imperfections.”
Because we have to be real with each other.
Because I have a love/ hate relationship with social media. Because I’ve been struggling with a part of my body for as long as I can remember.
And because Italy has been teaching me the beauty of imperfection. Every corner of this country is breathtaking, yet none of it is perfect. Actually, it’s even more endearing for its raw, worn feel.
In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi is the acceptance of transience and imperfection. One of beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”.
Which got me to thinking, why am I not charmed by my imperfections in the same way?
I am going to celebrate women for every wrinkle, stretch mark, roll, vein, sun spot, scar and shortcoming.
Now that I’m almost thirty, I’m declaring us perfectly imperfect. I’m accepting that I’m not currently training, restricting or punishing my body, rather just letting it be. Exercise consists of walking to the next Gelateria. So excuse me, I need to go “workout.”

July 15, 2018
