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I think that we can all agree that the pandemic changed everything. A lot of difficulties, and a lot of blessings too. Casey went completely remote in his position based in Indianapolis the summer of 2020, which freed us to start dreaming about living elsewhere for a time.  It’s no secret that Casey and I love the mountains, and like many we considered taking this opportunity to travel out west.  His bosses so graciously gave us the go ahead to live elsewhere for a year and then reevaluate. Long story short, Casey applied to a position based in Boulder, Colorado on a whim and it ended up being a great opportunity.

After a lot of explanation on his part, conversation, and prayer, he accepted the position and we relocated to Boulder in October 2021. This shift felt very different than the previous plan to travel and work remotely for a year. A complete change in the trajectory of our family journey. It’s been just a month and a half of transitioning, adjusting, and hiking in these beautiful mountains. And with our feet barely underneath us, we’ve decided to bring Love, Leon along on this adventure.

Sounds simple enough, right? Well, not really… Have you heard that a baby isn’t the only one birthed at the hospital, but a mom is too? Let that sink in. Birdie Mae has changed me in the best possible way. She is my greatest adventure, joy, and priority. So not only am I in a whole new place, but I am a whole new person in a whole new place. In this short time I’ve struggled with doubt, fear, and insecurity starting over in my thirties. Not knowing how to hustle in my business as a momma, amongst many other things. Not wanting Birdie to be negatively impacted in any way. But a few loved ones have encouraged me as I wrestle, that it’s good for our babies to see us model pursuing our passions and maybe even more importantly, it’s okay to need support in doing so.

All to say, we’re doing this. Casey, Birdie, and me. We’re here to wake up before sunrise, hike with you, love on you, make you laugh, hype you up, become fast friends, grab a drink, and capture this moment in time.

December 28, 2023
