
I remember the call from the nurse with lab values confirming that my uterus was in fact “sleeping” like they suspected. Wait, what? sleeping? Let’s just wake it up! Let’s just wake it up! Oh, that’s not how this works? OK, let me grab a pen. As I write down the letters and numbers, even […]

Seven years ago I was told, “Your body will never return to normal, here’s some pills, come back when you want to drain your bank account and I’ll try to make you pregnant.” My first thought, *what bank account?* Second thought, *wait, what?* I was given a blanket diagnosis for my period never returning. The […]

Married folks, have you ever considered renewing your vows? Casey and I talk about this and maybe one day when we get crazy skilled with a tripod we will photograph our own vow renewal on top of one of our favorite mountains. I used to be confused as to why people would take the time […]